Alma Burn 2024 will be held April 4 thru April 10, 2024
Gates open at 10:00 a.m. Thursday April 4.
Gate hours are as follows:
Thursday- 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Friday- 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
All participants must leave by 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 10.
Wave 1 Tickets will be on sale from February 22, 2024.
Ticket transfers will close April 4th, 2024.
You can view, print, and transfer tickets at https://tickets.almaburn.com​​​​
Selling tickets for more than face value will result in cancellation of the ticket and denial of entry to the event.
Gate Entry
While we highly, highly encourage vaccinations, we will not be requiring proof of vaccination for entry to the event. We do reserve the right to cancel or reschedule in the event of a public health emergency.
You must have the QR code from your account to verify the ticket
You must have your picture ID.
The name on your ticket must match the name on your ID. If you have a guest, they must enter with you, or you must transfer the ticket to their name.
Minors must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. You must provide proof of guardianship (passport, birth certificate, or court order). If you do not want to bring your originals, please bring a signed and notarized Minor Affidavit available under the “tickets.”
Gate Re-entry-
If you must leave during the event, you must do so during gate hours. You must check out at gate, pay $5, and check back in when you return.
Other FAQ-​
Alma Burn is a Leave No Trace event. Pack it in, pack it out. There will be recycling though. Only sorted recyclables will be accepted. If you are caught leaving trash at recycling, you will be publicly humiliated.
Alma Burn is a Decommodified event. There is no vending, no soliciting, and no advertising. Nothing is for sale except for ice from the venue.
Nudity IS allowed within the boundaries of the event.
Nudity is NOT allowed by the road.
Camping is first come, first served, unless you are with a placed camp. You may NOT camp in the effigy field, the parking lot, or the road.
Car camping is allowed ONLY in the designated car camping area. You will be directed to car camping if needed.
You MUST practice radical self reliance. That means bring all the food, water, shelter, and first aid you'll need for the entirety of the event. No one will provide you with any of those things. We're not your mommy.​​
More questions? Email us at Almaburn@gmail.com.